In this online group Akashic Records event, we explore Twin Flame relationships. More details here: https://links.ahonu.com/twinflamerelationships
Twin Flames are emerging in today's relationships but many have difficulty coping. We address Twin Flame relationship problems and solutions and more. Here is your chance to ask questions and receive answers about Twin Flame Relationships through the medium of the Akashic Records.
- Who and What Are They?
- How Did They Originate?
- What Is Their Purpose?
All questions will be addressed by Source directly through the Akashic Records. You will gain an understanding of Twin Flames and the differences between Twin Flames and Soul Mates. We will get through as many Q&A's as possible in the time available.
For the different timezones, the event is at 12 noon PST (1PM MDT, 2PM CST, 3PM EST, 8PM UK & Ireland) on Sunday 12th July.
Procedure: Once registered, simply reply to the confirmation email to submit your questions. There is no limit to your questions, but this forum is not for personal issues. Any question about Twin Flames that is of a world or universal nature is acceptable.
To help you, here are examples of questions that are lining up already:
- How do Twin Flames relate to the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine?
- Why are so many Twin Flames coming together now?
- What is the difference between a Twin Flame and a Soul Mate?
Aingeal Rose & Ahonu are authors of 100 books and publisher of over 1,000. As authors, publishers, ministers and spiritual teachers, their 60-year combined journey of consciousness helps people worldwide move from mediocre to miraculous. Visit https://aingealroseandahonu.com for more info about Aingeal Rose & Ahonu.
We hope you'll join us. Register here: https://links.ahonu.com/twinflamerelationships. Send your questions in advance by email to aingealrose@aingealrose.com.