We’ve successfully published 11 of the “Answers From The Akashic Records” books already, and we're seeking your help to publish the remaining 89 of them. So, we set up a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo here: https://links.ahonu.com/1Bzh and launched it on the 1st day of 2020! 11 books have already been published! Help us publish all 100 by contributing here!
We were delighted to receive these Reviews from the 11 books published so far...

"Thank you both so much for sharing this wonderful teaching and experience... the discoveries were very insightful." - Sue Padden
"No human words to describe the joy and gratitude I feel to you. I am forever grateful!" - Galina Gorodetsky
"I'm thrilled to experience The Akashic Records!" - Anita Piejko
"I received a lot of confirmation and some new pieces to the puzzle. The information you shared was truly helpful. Thank you for the truly amazing woman that you are and the wonderful work that you do."- Margaret Wagner
"Thanks for your guidance. I loved all I learned." - Jean Clancy
"I am only on the introduction page but I know this is a journey which will be fruitful and exhilarating for my own development, growth, and life." - Pauline Maguire
"I have a huge smile in my heart that is spreading all over my body and I feel full of excitement for what is to come." - Susan Foley
"I am new to the understandings of our existence, I want to, and will be exploring more. Both my husband and I cannot put it down nor stop discussing its vast information. I feel we have been released and are open to a new world of understanding and joy." - Mona Hedin
Below are more reviews from Amazon:

Visit this Indiegogo page https://links.ahonu.com/1Bzh to see all the perks. The largest perk is the best one, because we will teach you how to read the Akashic Records while receiving all 100 SIGNED copies of “Answers From The Akashic Records”. To see that perk, scroll down all the way to the bottom on the list of perks on the right side. But if that is not possible, any amount you can is most welcome to start the ball rolling.
We thank you for reading this far and for supporting us as we publish this great collection of Answers From The Akashic Records. Your help will make this a reality in 2020!
Aingeal Rose & Ahonu