#41 Are we moving into a time of change?

Akashic Life Creation Books 7 min read , July 15, 2020

A time of change is the topic of the 41st of 4,000 profound statements from the Akashic Records by Aingeal Rose. The statements come from a series of Akashic Records sessions held in Ireland and the USA over several years, starting in 2013. The transcripts from these sessions became the 100-book Answers From The Akashic Records series (https://links.ahonu.com/aftar).

Timelessness - Answers From The Akashic Records with Aingeal Rose & Ahonu

The 41st statement says,

“We are moving into an energy field of timelessness. The implications of that are huge.”

Time of Change in Answers From The Akashic Records with Aingeal Rose & Ahonu

A Time Of Change by Aingeal Rose

Here is info about the book, A Time of Change, Akashic Guidance for Spiritual Transformation by Aingeal Rose O'Grady (Author)

Written by Aingeal Rose for this time period, this is a book like no other. No one can deny that we live in exciting times. Changes are occurring almost daily on every level of our lives. Never in our lifetime have we been witness to a global awakening of this magnitude. Every aspect of life is affected - thoughts are manifesting at a rapid rate for good or ill. Systems are failing and new ways of thinking are starting to make way for a more cooperative and harmonious way of life.

The people are ready. Children are being born with exceptional gifts demonstrating that the human race is changing into a more spiritually evolved species. Neck and neck with that, those involved with the old system of war, greed, corruption, competition and control are trying to enslave us even further. We have been under that thumb for far too long and the time of change is upon us!

To succeed in a new paradigm, we must all be willing to change - to choose differently - to be more self-sovereign - to cooperate and share, to care. Establishing communities that are self-sustaining on all fronts is an absolute necessity for life to continue to flourish, not just survive. Where is God Source in all this? Is there a God Source? Does It have a hand in the orchestration of these changes? Is this Armageddon or Paradise? Are cataclysmic Earth changes a necessary part of these times?

I have been a reader of the Akashic Records for the past 15 years. Akashic comes from “Akasha” which is a Sanskrit word meaning “ether” and implies a spiritual plane or substance where the entire history of Life is recorded and kept. “Akasha” has been described as an ancient Library where each one of us has our own “book” of our many lifetimes and sojourns in Spirit. This “library” has been given the name “the Akashic Records” and this is the source of the information for the book, A Time of Change.

Through accessing the Akashic Field, I have been privileged to provide understanding, guidance and comfort to my clients from levels that go far beyond our linear view of life. I too have learned through these readings, and I certainly have understood there are causes for everything in our lives.

Everything does make sense - this is the gift of the Akashic Records. People who have had near death experiences (NDE) report seeing their entire lives flash in front of them on point of death. This is evidence of the Akashic Records, the recording of even the minutest detail of a person’s life. Not only are the events of life recorded, but the impact of those events on ourselves and others is also recorded. The implications of this are a bit mind boggling if you think on it! It is bearing out in the statement from the Akashic Records about this time of change leading to timelessness.

What Intelligence is it that would bother to record all the events of life? What would be the purpose? That it matters a great deal is obvious when we see that it is part of the life and death-transition process. Each and every person is presented a “life review,” a summary of his or her life, those they’ve affected and were affected by. Those returning from NDEs report that not only do they “see” all the events of their life; they also feel the impact of their choices upon others for good and ill. Progress and learning is observed and noted as well as choices made. Could things have been done in a better way? What victories were obtained? Our progress is observed and measured not by a punishing God, but by ourselves. It is we who are in our own relationship with ourselves, with our Creator and with one another and this time of change is urging us onward.

So, what is the purpose of Life, our Lives? What is wanted of us from our Creator’s or “Life’s” point of view? Why do we keep coming and going? Why do we arrange to meet others again and again with whom we have shared lifetimes before? Are we on missions? Or is our purpose unique to each soul?

Questions such as these were the impetus for me to begin the Group Akashic Record sessions. I ventured on this group experiment based on questions my clients were asking of God and the universe. I had plenty of my own questions as well! The groups began in Ireland in 2010 and continue to this day, all of which contribute to the book, A Time of Change. The sessions have been recorded In Ireland, California, North Carolina, Upstate New York and recently, through webinars online (see https:// aingealrose.com).

This book, A Time of Change contains transcripts of some of those meetings with God Source through the medium of the Akashic Records. This book is the first in a series of books in the Honest-to-God series. Each one will touch on a variety of topics on spirituality, the world, healing, God, love, miracles, ancient civilizations and more.

Many have asked me how I receive the information from the Records. My answer is multi-layered. Once I am in “the Akashic Field,” I am in a field of vast information. That information translates itself into beams of color, words, feelings, knowings, and pictures. It is as though the information is “impressed” upon my body so that as I receive the information, I also feel and experience it at the same time.

Many times it all occurs at once, and it is my job to “report” the information to my client or group. Words coming from Source are very deliberate and “in order.” By this I mean I must report the information in the sequence it is given, exactly as it is given, before the next piece will be shown to me. I also would not use the same choice of words to get a meaning across to the same two people in a private reading. Source understands how a person can receive or hear the information It wants to impart.

Getting into the Akashic Records is done through an ancient sacred prayer that I was taught many years ago. My teachers told me the prayer was an ancient Mayan prayer that was translated into English. Upon saying the prayer (the first part is said aloud, the remaining two parts are in silence), I am immediately in the Akashic Field. Each session ends with a Sacred Prayer as well.

In the book, I decided to leave the transcripts of these group sessions in their original question-and-answer format, just as the sessions were presented and recorded. At times, I have included additional information on a particular topic from other sessions and lectures or from my own conversations with Source.

Throughout the transcripts, you will hear me reference “Source” quite often. Source in these contexts is our Prime Creator—the original Intelligence or “God” that is aware of everything and knows everything and everyone. At times I have referred to Source as “They” only because it feels to me that Source is not only “Prime,” but also “All That Is.”

In these sessions, it is Source Itself that talks to us and answers our questions. Although we are visited from time to time by light beings, in these sessions there are no “middle men” - no masters, guides, angels or other intermediary beings.

It is my desire in offering these transcripts to you that you will experience the peace and understanding from God Source that has always been ours to remember.

While I am in the “field” of the Akashic Records, I experience consistent love and peace, as well as a knowing that all is well despite what may be occurring or appearing to the contrary in our world or in our personal lives. It is my hope that you will be inspired and uplifted by these understandings and that your own connection to God Source will be enriched.

You are invited to purchase your copy of "A Time of Change" NOW - $16.50 (€12.35) plus P&P. Order it from https://ATimeOfChange.info

You can find out more about the Akashic Records here: https://aingealrose.com

For an Akashic Records reading from Aingeal Rose, go here: https://links.ahonu.com/aingealrose

Akashic Records Life