It takes courage... is the 17th of 4,000 profound statements from the Akashic Records by Aingeal Rose. The statements come from a series of Akashic Records sessions held in Ireland and the USA over several years, starting in 2013. The transcripts from these sessions became the 100-book Answers From The Akashic Records series (

The 17th statement says,
“It takes courage to make choices that say 'no' to unhealthy things and environments.”
Sample Answers From The Akashic Records with Aingeal Rose & Ahonu
Q: Any advice about how young Indigos can get courage to deal with adults and society trying to push them into the old paradigm?
A: Yes this is where again, choice is really important. There are alternatives, especially with schools. So let’s talk about education for a second. There are lots of options with education, and parents do not have to send their children to conventional schools, especially if those schools are not helping the person to grow spiritually. Source is saying we all have choices. It just takes courage to make choices that say no to certain things.
It is similar to vaccinations, just as a tiny example. You don’t have to say yes to these things. What your child is around and who is teaching them - there are choices in all that as well. There are choices for Indigos in terms of what kind of jobs they’re going to take on and who’s going to be their boss or employees. But it can take courage and remember, there are choices all over the place. This is what Source is saying.
Use your ability to choose what you want around you and who you’re going to interact with. It really is about being able to say no and having the courage to be unique in the midst of people who want to keep the old paradigm in place. It always takes courage to make choices that say 'no' to unhealthy things and environments.
Q. How do you enter the Akashic Records, and does it take courage to do so?
Entry into the Akashic Records is gained through reciting a sacred prayer that I was taught many years ago. My teachers told me the prayer was ancient Mayan that was translated into English. Upon saying the prayer, I am immediately in the Akashic Field. It takes patience to learn but it doesn’t take courage. Anyone can do it.
Each session ends with a sacred prayer of gratitude for the knowledge received. Ahonu transcribed the sessions and extracted the profound statements. These profound statements have been left in their original format, just as the sessions were presented and recorded.
In general, here is a little information about the sessions. I am not in a trance while receiving this information, and the discussions are often free-flowing until I receive another clear impression. It is my desire in offering these profundities to you that you will experience the courage, the peace and understanding from Source that has always been ours to remember.
While I am in the field of the Akashic Records, I experience consistent love and peace, as well as a ‘knowing’ that all is well despite what may be occurring or appearing to the contrary in our outer world or in our personal lives. It is my hope that you will find courage to live your best life, be inspired and uplifted by these understandings and that your own connection to God Source will be enriched.
You can find out more about the Akashic Records here:
For an Akashic Records reading from Aingeal Rose, go here: