Aingeal Rose and I, for many, many years recorded podcasts which we started in 2009 and ramped up around 2012 when you had this whole Mayan calendar thing going on. We were answering a lot of questions online for people who were confused about awakening. That's over ten years ago and here we are still answering the same questions, and that's okay, because it's a whole new batch of people and we've awakened in our own awareness.
So, this morning, the whole idea of awakening came up. The reason it came up was because we were listening back to some of our old recordings to see which one would be most suitable to put into our new World of Empowerment. The one we listened to last night was all about dreams where one question was,
“If your dream was interrupted by somebody and you awoke pretty quickly, what actually happens?”
The entire discussion revolved around what happens to the body when it is awakening. We found of course, that the eyes open, light comes into the body, hormones start flowing, the blood starts pumping, muscles get flexed and stretched and so on. Life, as it were, comes into the mind-body system. Some people can awaken very quickly, but for others it takes a little bit of time.

They'll sit bolt upright in the bed and boom, they're awake! And speaking metaphysically, that's similar to the Buddha sitting under the Bodhi tree and becoming enlightened. En-light-ened. Light has come in. For others, it takes that cup of coffee in the morning for the awakening process to fully kick in. You sometimes hear people say,
“I'm not awake until I get my first cup of Joe.”
It's why the likes of Starbucks and coffee shops make a fortune from people lining up there in the mornings to get their cup of coffee because they believe that's what it takes for full awakening to happen.
So, no matter if it's an outside stimulus or an inside stimulus, there's a physical, emotional and spiritual change that takes place to move from the physical sleep into awakening.
Now, let's move into the awakened state of the spiritual. I believe it involves the same or similar kind of change. Why do I say that? Because, few enough of us can just wake and be spiritually aware with knowledge, wisdom and divine inspiration.

Some people are awakening naturally and speedily, of course. But for those of us who need that spiritual cup of Joe, to wake up to the new World of Empowerment and the new world of enlightenment, there can be a period or ‘process’ of awakening. There can be physical, mental and emotional changes that need to take place. This includes letting go of old ideas and patterns, letting go of the past and going through forgiveness processes.
So, if you're not one that is awakening yet, don't lash yourself over the back with the proverbial whip. Don't beat yourself up because it could be that you're in that process of awakening. It just takes time. Some people lounge around in bed for a little while. They enjoy the stretch, the comfort of the warmth knowing that shortly they're going to have to put their feet out on the cold ground and get dressed or whatever they're going to do for the day. That could be the case with you and me and many, many people.
Maybe we do need to put our feet out on the ground. Maybe we do need to open our eyes and allow the Sun to come in through the pineal gland and come down through our body and enter into our physical system to begin awakening. Maybe that's what has to happen spiritually. So let's go easy with ourselves today. Let's awaken slowly. Enjoy your day. Blessings from myself, Ahonu and from Aingeal Rose.