Aingeal Rose was interviewed on the 12th June by Rupert Green and Nicola on Off World Radio. They are from Glastonbury in the UK. You can listen to them interview Aingeal Rose about the Akashic Records here or watch it on YouTube.
🎥 405: Off World Radio Interview Aingeal Rose about the Akashic Records

In this revealing interview, One World Radio asks Aingeal Rose about the Akashic Records and journaling and how to use them to our benefit in our fast-changing world.
This is Off World Radio's one year special anniversary edition!
In this podcast, Aingeal Rose talks about the Akashic Records - what are they and how best to use them for our guidance. Aingeal has undertaken an incredible quest over many years to share her experiences with others and her generous, kind spirit comes through in this conversation.
We also learn how Aingeal and her husband Ahonu have collected an incredible range of Earth Essences from all over the world and how these can be read in the Akashic Records. Aingeal's spiritual journey began in her early twenties, following the tragic death of her first husband just months after their wedding. She dedicated herself to finding the answers to the deepest of spiritual questions, journeying into the mysteries of the spirit world and into consciousness and its expansive potentials.
Over 25 years, she acquired certifications in many healing modalities, growing a thriving practice, always striving to help her clients and students achieve self-mastery, self-honesty and to know themselves at deeper levels. As a Tarot teacher and reader for over 30 years, she has taught and read for thousands of people on both sides of the Atlantic. Aingeal reads the Akashic Records privately for clients but is best known for her Group Akashic Sessions, which focuses on questions of a more Universal nature.
Aingeal's website:
Aingeal's books:
Read the full story ~ Listen to the Podcast ~ Watch the video
Blessings and bye for now,