Despite many asking are we there yet, Ahonu has an experience of us all entering the 5th Dimension and suggests awareness of the 7 planes of existence.

I am Ahonu and I have an interesting 5th Dimension experience to relate to you. But I'm going to start with a little story.
Many years ago when our first granddaughter was growing up, we used to play games where she was the teacher, and really she was just relaying experiences from her days in the school, and she'd come back and teach me, and of course, I was the difficult student and we had a lot of fun with that. But at that time, she wrote me a little Post-It note because I was being a disruptive student. I was being bold, and the note she wrote said, "Ahonu, you will go to the seventh grade for your spelling", and that's the level at which we understood it.

Well, today, Aingeal Rose pointed out that that note from all those years ago may have been prophetic. But first, let's explain what's going on.
So the last few days, Earth has had an alignment with, I think, five planets. These kinds of alignments happen all the time. But on this particular occasion, it has been pretty intense. It's been pretty intense on Aingeal Rose and myself on the physical body, as well as mental, emotional and spiritual. But the same thing is happening with a lot of people all over the world, and we know that from our contacts and connections and the reports that we get from people and the readings that Aingeal Rose does.

My own experience last night was that I couldn't breathe. It does relate back to me saying before and telling the story of how my first baby died and my lungs collapsed and I suffered from purity of the lungs. That was directly related to the trauma. They say that the grief is held in the lungs. It took many years to release that grief.
The way I did it at the time was I journaled, as Aingeal Rose has many times suggested to people, that journaling is one of the best ways to get to the root of all these difficulties that we encounter. But in journaling, I journaled and I put it aside and put it in the attic.
One day, Aingeal Rose found my writings in the attic and suggested that I put it into the form of a book. I did. It's a three part memoir, with the first book being Why Did He Die? The second book, The Reincarnation of Columbus, and the third book, The Angel of the Forest. Now, in writing and publishing that book series, it entailed going back into the trauma of these things. It necessitated reliving and rehashing so that when I tell the story in the book, it's as real as it was when I was writing it.

But in that way, it's very cathartic. I felt that I had released the pain and trauma of that episode. Now, last night and for the previous few nights, I've been reliving that feeling of collapsed lung. I couldn't breathe. It was painful to breathe, and over the last few days, Aingeal Rose has also been teaching a course on prosperity and realized that prosperity is related to trauma. In other words, if there's memories and trauma in the body, it's very hard to feel that happiness that can come from prosperity because it's related to self worth.
I don't want to get off on a tangent, but all of this is related. So in trying to breathe, I was breathing in health and open lungs and full lungs and breathing out the limitation and the restriction, and in doing that, I did feel some comfort, but I realized that the trauma of the death of Ryan was still there in my lungs, and that's very difficult to overcome because at that point, it's in the cellular level, and it's in our subconscious, and it's in our memories, and that's why when we were doing the prosperity course and doing other kinds of teachings that we do, people often say, It sounds great what you're saying. They're like fluffy words. It's all intellectual stuff, but it's in my body, it's in the physical. How do I get rid of it out of the physical so I can entertain the 5th Dimension?

So, the exercise I went through was breathing in the health and breathing out the pain. I did that for perhaps an hour and I found myself breathing in other pains as well. It wasn't just the lungs, it was knee pain. Breathing in perfect knees, breathing out the knee pain, breathing in gallbladder health and breathing out the guilt around having my gallbladder removed, and so on. I'm sure anybody listening will be thinking of their own pains and sufferings over the years. I went through divorce, breathing in perfect relationship, breathing out the pain of divorce, and on and on it goes.
But what I realized then was that as I went through the physical, I came to the next layer, and this is during the night now. I'm lying down in bed, I'm awake, but I'm also in this pseudo, half awake, aware dream state, but yet aware of what's going on, and in the next phase, let's call it, it went into the mental, and I realized that I was going through a mental exercise, that this was very much intellectual, that I'm thinking this out and that the memories were coming up that were being released, but they were in my head. This is mental stuff.
So, I'd gone from the physical into the mental, and as I was doing this, I started to realize that these phases or separations weren't actually separate at all. They were all part of the one, whether 1st or 5th Dimension. Because in the breath and the out breath, it's like this represented the physical and it represented the separation. It represented the division that we feel with God's source, and so I was breathing in God and breathing out separation and mentalising also that breathing in union, thinking union and breathing out and thinking separation, that that was no longer the case.
As I moved from the physical into the mental, then into the emotional, I realized that the emotions in my lungs were also part of that same division, part of that separation, because when Ryan died, there was definitely separation. But also separation from mother, father. Mother is no longer at her home. All this division that we feel in our families and in our extended families and in the world with wars and all tribal activities that go on that keep us feeling separate. Borders and country divisions and flags and all the rest of that division that goes on. This was all affecting me emotionally, and I felt very sad about all of that.
But again, at that phase, I realized that these were not separate. These were all part of what was going on, and at that point in time, all part of the 5th Dimension. It came to me that there were seven phases like this, the physical, mental, emotional, and as I moved into the spiritual, that also merged with all the others as one, and I realized at that point in time that there were seven such phases that we are going through as part of moving into the fifth dimension and perhaps into the sixth dimension, and as we move into the seventh dimension, we may well encounter these same seven divisions, let's call them, but they are all one. But it's like the physical body is so dense that we must move through them one by one. Or we must clear them in the physical first before we can clear them in the mental, the emotional and the spiritual, and those other divisions.

I don't know yet what they are. I can't put a name on them, and I think the reason why I can't put a name on them right now is because Aingeal Rose reminded me that many years ago, we were teaching a workshop where we were realizing that our own growth of awareness is like a student in the first grade, and in the first grade, we don't know what they teach in the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh grade. But we know it's good and we know that we're going to learn something exciting and we know we're going to come into the awareness of that as we grow, as our physical body grows up past the point where we go into second grade and so on, and that's where it comes full circle to our granddaughter writing that note about you will go to the seventh grade with your spelling, and the spelling, as we know, for anybody who is interested in sovereignty, will know about the spells that are cast by governments, but also the spells that we cast ourselves by our own words. This is especially relevant as we maneuver the 5th Dimension.
Words are spells, that's why it is spelling. We spell words and we cast spells with our words. Why is this important? Because in going through this process of those first four experiences of those phases, I realized I was casting spells. That in other words, I could have voiced something. I could have used words that were not wholesome, or I could have used words that were not expansive, or I could have used words that were negative, or I could have used words that were weak, like I might, or I could, or if only, or when this happens, then that.

But no, I used spelling of words that were powerful and in the present moment, like I am now, and that was very, very, very powerful, and I think that's the lesson that has come out of this for me. I hope it will help you in some way. Because if you're in pain, physical pain right now, or perhaps mental or emotional or spiritual pain, realize that this is happening to everybody.
Why? Because we're all in this 5th Dimension together.
The other thing I realized, too, was in the same way as in the initial phases when I was separating the in breath and the out breath, I was realizing that that was like a man in South Africa and me here in Sedona, or a woman in Australia and a man in England are all the same. There is no separation. There is no division between people. There is no separation between countries. There is no division between us and God. The separation never happened only in our own heads.
That was an amazing release. It was like all conflict of the Dark Ages and World Wars and all the conflict that we put ourselves through to try and justify our own individuality in some way. Our own specialness is no longer in the 5th dimension, and that's where we're going, and we're halfway there. The next three phases, five, six and seven, I don't know what they are because it's like we've got to go into the seventh grade to learn what they are. So as this unfolds and as this awareness comes into the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and so on, I will share it with you, and I hope that these phases of learning are not too painful right now, but that they will be resolved.
There's no question about that, and so I'll finish with the realization that it's not just our physical bodies that are in this 5th dimension. It's the Earth as well. It's not only the Earth, it's all our planets. It's the entire universe, and as these changes happen, it's happening not only in our physical bodies, but it's happening in those planetary physical bodies also. So be prepared for Earth changes, but know that they are part of the entire body of awareness, our oneness, moving into that unity and moving into that oneness and moving into that awareness.

Let's not look at these 5th Dimension changes as being negative and say, Oh, my knee is paining again. Or my liver is at me, or I have a pain in my head, or I'm finding difficulty breathing. Then look at Earth changes in the same way. Oh, here's another storm. Here's another tornado. Oh, gosh. Look at the destruction. Look at the pain it's causing. No. Let's realize that all of this is us needing to change at the physical level first, and then at our mental awareness, and then into our emotional release of all that past pain, all those struggles that are handed down through us in the DNA, all those wars that our parents went through, our grandparents, and all that ancestral healing is all happening. It's all coming full circle. It's all being released, and it's being released in the planetary bodies as well.
So we'll leave our understanding of the 5th Dimension at that for the moment, knowing that I will share with you as this develops and as we learn more about the phases and as we move further into the fifth dimensional awareness. Remember too, though, that Aingeal Rose does have training on this, in that a few years ago she did a course called... What's it called? Something about the dimensional split?

Navigating the 5th Dimension, that is very, very useful. Here’s one link to it: and here’s another:
Okay, till next time, blessings from myself, Ahonu, and from Aingeal Rose.