Today is International Podcast Day - have you heard?

Publishing 1 min read , October 1, 2021

Our World of Empowerment podcast is 10 years old and we've delivered 377 episodes since 2011.

Have you listened to an episode of the World of Empowerment podcast? If not, go here.

World of Empowerment podcast with Aingeal Rose & Ahonu
The Podcast of Aingeal Rose & Ahonu

Every Saturday at 11:11 in this highly engaging World of Empowerment podcast, Aingeal Rose & Ahonu document their journey of consciousness, helping people all over the world move from mediocre to miraculous! They bring you deep into a new world of empowerment at the cutting edge of consciousness and immerse you in practical spirituality for our fast changing world. In every episode, they find the wonder, joy, fun and excitement of life itself. Visit and join us in this empowering community!

Here's a sample of one episode from the World of Empowerment podcast you might like ... it's called Is Death Real? In this episode, this is what Aingeal Rose & Ahonu ask, and answer:

  • Is the body a vehicle of separation?
  • Is the Body a temple?
  • Have we reversed the truth of ourselves?
  • Is God in our body?
  • Is the inner or the outer the real world?
  • Are we creating from our perceptions?
  • Why do we need forgiveness?
  • Can we see our own darkness?
  • How do we look within to change vice to virtue?
  • How do we become more holy?

If you'd prefer, you can also watch it on YouTube, but after all, it is International Podcast Day!

🎥 Is Death Real? The Video

Is Death Real, a World of Empowerment podcast episode by Aingeal Rose & Ahonu
A podcast episode from Aingeal Rose & Ahonu

Aingeal Rose & Ahonu discuss death and deliver some interesting conclusions at the end (no pun intended).

This follows the previous World of Empowerment podcast episode on Grief

World of Empowerment podcast episode on Grief by Aingeal Rose & Ahonu
Podcast episode on Grief by Aingeal Rose & Ahonu

We hope you enjoy our World of Empowerment podcast. We enjoy making them, and we can help you make yours too - if you need help with creating your podcast, your videos, your book covers etc., contact us. 👍 Along with that, we help you ► write ► sell ► publish and ► distribute your books to 38,000 book retailers around the world!

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Aingeal Rose & Ahonu
Publishing Writing Podcast