Honoring the Myth and Legend of Brigid, Queen of the Gaels
Ahonu celebrates Saint Brigid's Day on February 1st, also known as Imbolc, a special day in Ireland marking the halfway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. In remembering the ancient Irish festivals, he explores the difference between Brigid, the Celtic Goddess of Spring, and Saint Bridget. From ritual cleansing and purification to the transition of the goddess to a saint, Ahonu shares the myths, legends, and folklore surrounding this revered figure. Listen to him share the rich history and traditions associated with Saint Brigid's Day and Imbolc.
Questions to ask yourself after learning about Brigid:
- What is the significance of Saint Bridget's Day and Imbolc in Ireland and Celtic culture?
- How are the ancient Irish festivals, including Imbolc, traditionally celebrated?
- How does the podcast describe the ancient Irish folklore's connection between Brigid and the Cailleach, the winter goddess?
- What is the potential origin and meaning of the name "Imbolc" as discussed in the podcast?
- How does the podcast differentiate between the original Celtic goddess Brigid and the now famous Saint Bridget?
- How did the Catholic church influence the transition of Brigid from a Celtic goddess to a saint?
- What is the significance and symbolism associated with Brigid as the Irish Goddess of Spring, fertility, and life?
- What is the special acknowledgment of Saint Bridget's Day in Ireland this year, and why is it noteworthy?
- How does the podcast convey the celebration of Brigid through the short poem from the Brigantine Sisters in County Kildare, Ireland?
- In what ways does the podcast connect the essence of Saint Brigid's Well with the concept of tolerance and blessings?
Thank you for reading and celebrating the rich history and folklore of Saint Brigid's Day, a significant day in Irish culture that marks the transition from winter to spring. We hope you enjoyed this podcast episode and gained insights into the ancient Irish festival of Imbolc.

#Ahonu #AingealRose #ancientIrishfestivals #Brigid #Cailleach #Celticfestivals #fertility #folklore #Imbolc #Ireland #Irishmythology #QueenoftheGaels #SaintBridget #WorldofEmpowerment