A Year-End Review of 2023 and Look Ahead to 2024
Welcome to our year-end summary for 2023! In this final episode of our World of Empowerment video blog, we take a reflective journey through the various interviews, discussions, and videos that made 2023 truly unforgettable. From profound conversations with guests like Penny Kelly and Aage Nost to personal reflections and insights, we invite you to join us on a trip down memory lane. We'll also give you a sneak peek into what's in store for 2024, including an upcoming interview with Penny Kelly. So sit back, relax, and let's revisit the highlights of 2023 together!
Dear World of Empowerment Community, as we bid farewell to 2023 and step into the fresh start of 2024, we want to express our deepest gratitude for being a part of our incredible journey. It's been a year filled with profound insights, thought-provoking discussions, and heart-touching interviews, and we are thrilled to have shared it all with you. So, let’s begin:
In the 1st interview of 2023 on evolution, Penny Kelly introduces topics that some might find controversial or difficult. She speaks about discernment and how the population must step back and look at the whole, not the parts. We must hold the paradox of life. She states it's so important to recognize diversity as the key to survival and the key to existence is consciousness.

Many people asked us where's the safest place to be to survive the micronova? It's an interesting question because, round about the same time, we published a book for Allen Heart entitled Surviving The Micronova, and this contains all the answers. You can find that book on Amazon here: https://amzn.to/3TrXTF1

Next session was My Wonderful Body, and in that one, Ahonu reflected on how our experience was showing how this was a long road of human existence, but where did we forget to marvel at the incredible creation called the human body? It's only a short video, but very much worth reviewing.

Aingeal Rose made a Tarot assessment each month during the year where she pulled 3 cards to give people an idea of what each coming month would hold. It is remarkable that all her assessments were positive, in contrast to the doom and gloom forecasts by the mainstream media. It's interesting to look back on those assessments for each month and see what went on. We begin below with January.

After that, we did Imbolc, or what is known in most places as Saint Brigid's day. In Ireland, the 1st of February is a special day. Known as Imbolc, it falls exactly half-way between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. February 1st traditionally celebrates the beginning of Spring, and marks the feast day of Brigid. In this episode, Ahonu gives the Irish blessings for the 1st February, for Saint Brigid's day, and the 1st day of the northern Spring.

In this video podcast, Aingeal Rose & Ahonu ask the Akashic Records will we see a New Earth, or a transformed Earth? We find people calling this different names, and many people have now settled on the New Earth. But Aingeal Rose was talking about Paradise Earth and the New Earth way back in 2012. So it's interesting to see what has happened since then and where we are with the whole thing.

The Aingeal Of The Forest was done in February 10th, which was the day before Ahonu’s birthday to celebrate the launch of his new Healing From Grief series. This video is a 10 minute short story called The Aingeal Of The Forest, which of course, is my own lovely Aingeal Rose!

Growing Old was done on the 18th February, and that was about a realization from my 65th birthday that I'm growing old, but I posed the question, am I? Where along this long road of human existence did we pick up the idea of death and growing old?

Next up was "Oh My God, You're Soul 3D". This was a book we published for a client author Shiloh Russell Stone. You can find Oh My God, You're So 3D on Amazon here. It's about the great cosmic shift, and is the 2nd book in her Space Muffin series.

We take a quick look at Aingeal Rose's tarot assessment for February. It seems to be a popular thing now for people, Tarot readers especially, to pull a card and determine what's going on in the world. We've been receiving notifications from people like "Tarot for Janine" who all seem to foretell disaster and doom, and all the rest of it. So, Aingeal Rose began in January '23 to do the same thing, to see are they correct and to see what's really going on. Here’s her look ahead to February 2023.

Next, we're on to The Book Of Manifesting by Aingeal Rose, where she spells out more detail of what's involved in that book and where you can get it (https://amzn.to/3HWL1mE). Have you ever wondered why you can't create the things you'd like in your life? What's it that's blocking you? How many times have people said to you, oh, you've got blockages about this, or that, or the other? Okay, well, this book gives you a way to locate your subconscious beliefs, see what you really think and feel and believe about things, and helps you undo those blockages or those beliefs, especially if they're not supporting your highest good. A workbook is included to help you locate your beliefs and how to rewrite any program into something positive and life-affirming. Take a look, it could be manifesting itself guiding you! We support your great success!

Aingeal Rose’s Tarot assessment for March 2023 was next. Again, much was revealed there. One of the cards was the Seven of Cups. Usually this card represents confusion. When we think about March 2023, there was a lot of things left up in the air. There was lots of things going to happen, but nothing tangible happened either way. Basically it said this month the world's in a state of confusion. There was a lot of stuff going on in all sorts of places, but nothing really got done.

The beginning of March also saw us doing a project on fear, and we found there was nothing to fear. Do take a look at that video. Very interesting how we arrived at that conclusion, but it means some things survive despite what's going on in the world. In our case, we're also here; humans are still here, as we have been for millennia. We get contacted by so many people who are afraid of the future, of pandemics, fear of government policy, fear of the threat of war. They're in fear of the poisoning of food, of having no water. Others have said there's too much water. "Look, I've got four feet of water in my basement. All our possessions are destroyed." That can be a fearful thing, and it's very hard to predict. Is it going to happen again next year? Will it happen every year? We can let all these issues prevent us from living in the moment and prevent us from understanding we are eternal!

Love is a Choice You Make was a beautiful interview we did with Margaret Gallagher where she presented a true love story saying, "Love is a choice you make, and a gift you give!" It was an absolutely wonderful, heart touching moment for us all.

Release Yourself From Guilt was a project we did where Aingeal Rose told about a video she watched about a man’s near death experience. He had a tragic accident in which he lost half his family and it filled him with regret and guilt. Even though we've listened to a lot of these, this one was specifically important because he dispels the whole idea of the belief in guilt and punishment. What he experienced in his NDE, I think, is important for all of us. We all have regrets in our lives. We all have things we feel guilty about. We worry about what will happen after we die, if we'll be punished, or what our life review will show us. This particular NDE dispels all our worries and fears. In fact, it hit Ahonu close to home because he had his own regrets about the loss of his little infant son many years ago, and he's been carrying some of the burden of regret with him all this time. This is just a beautiful NDE. It gives us permission to be happy, to live, to enjoy life, to not worry about God's judgment, and tells us how much we're loved. So, please enjoy this. It's 22 minutes long, and we welcome your comments after this, after you watch it or hear it.

After that was a Panorama Of Gratitude in Sedona, where we expressed our deep gratitude for our own lives, first of all, and the lives of others who are in our lives, and give praise to the landscape of a Sedona for its inspiration for everything that we do.

After that, we did, Are We There Yet? and while many people ask, are we there yet, we had an experience of us all entering the 5th dimension and suggested that awareness of the 5th dimension and 6th and 7th was already here.

Aingeal Rose did a tarot assessment for April 2023, again, revealing much. She reads the Tarot card for April 2023 to help understand what's going on in the world right now. It's in 2 parts, so be sure to stay for the 2nd part which has the reading for April in it!

After that, we interviewed Debra Bruce who's a speaker of light language. That was interesting too because she actually spoke it live on the interview, and it came about after she had a dark night of the soul. It's a very interesting interview to watch or listen to.

Upgrade Or Die was the next one, and that followed from where Aingeal Rose and I ran classes in Ireland and in the USA on navigating the dimensional split that we're all going through because many people needed that kind of help and understanding of what was going on. Basically, it was upgrade or die, simple. At the time, many reported issues of dizziness, spaciness, out of body feelings, and sensations of the veil thinning, sudden unexplained illnesses, loss of memory, and other sensations of time lapsing in some way. It appears that this was just the beginning and things are intensifying. In February 2023, Penny Kelly went through a medical emergency where she concluded she had experienced an upgrade. She reports that many people in her tribe are going through the same thing right now. Well, Aingeal Rose has been seeing strange phenomena lately too. She saw the red rocks of Sedona and even the stores in the streets move backwards and then come forward as if they were shifting timelines in some way, or moving in and out of this dimension.

Penny Kelly comes back to us again In April, where she talked about ETs and energetic upgrades. It was a very revealing discussion about consciousness healing ETs, their presence on earth and in other dimensions and energetic upgrades, etcetera.

Another interview followed in May with Aage Nost, where he talked all about consciousness, healing, and the future. He talked about aliens and much more, and he promoted his book "Spiritual Science". So take a look at that, it's quite interesting too and recommended.

The May planetary update followed quickly after that. On the night of the full moon and a full lunar eclipse, did Aingeal Rose's planetary update for May have fear or destruction in it? This is Aingeal Rose’s planetary update on May 5th, the night of the full moon and a full lunar eclipse.

We interviewed Margaret Gallagher on the concern she had for the forthcoming disclosure trauma. That is interesting from the point of view of her concern for people who are asleep and wake up very suddenly to the realization of what's going on in the world. Her aspiration is to help those come to an understanding about it and to reduce the trauma that can follow from that kind of realization. In this interview, she says: “When people wake up, they will face shock, disbelief, anger and grief from the lies they’ve been told. How will we help people deal with this trauma?”

The story of the Chinese Stonecutter was another one Ahonu did, where he told the story of the stonecutter who was dissatisfied with himself and his life. Short, sweet, to the point, and a classic tale of the Chinese stonecutter. Have you ever heard it? There was once a stonecutter who was dissatisfied with himself and his position in life. One day, he passed a wealthy merchant's house. The gateway was open, so he looked through it. He saw many fine possessions... lots of fancy things... and a bunch of high-profile people visiting.

Aingeal Rose and Ahonu went into a deep discussion of the moment with a lot of humor, and how to live and be in the moment was the center of that discussion.

All of that was followed quickly by the June update. Aingeal Rose pulled three Tarot cards in relation to this subject. She pulled The Chariot number 1, the Queen of Wands number two, and then the High Priestess, number 3. She says, “The way I'm looking at this, it looks like secrets will be revealed this month. Things that we didn't know about that will come to the surface. Now, that can be personal, but it can be worldy as well. I think we're in for an interesting month that will see a lot of forward progress in a good way, but also things will be uncovered that might surprise us.”

Which One Are You? This was a question that Ahonu posed where he told a story of a chef cooking potatoes, eggs, and coffee. It had a moral and a lesson for the chef's daughter. Interestingly, that was 3:33. That was the link of that video only 3 minutes 33 seconds, but we found the same thing with a lot of our videos, for example, The Moment that I mentioned earlier was 11:33, and various other synchronicities happened throughout the year with these videos.

Unveiling The Unity of Earth, Heart and Breath is a private discussion between Aingeal Rose & Ahonu where they discover that in the vast expanse of the cosmos, a profound realization awaits us. As we journey through life, we often forget the profound connection that exists between the Earth beneath our feet, the rhythm of our own beating hearts, and the simple act of breath that sustains us. But what if we told you these three seemingly separate entities are, in fact, intricately intertwined, each resonating with a shared frequency? Have a listen to that here: https://youtu.be/OSeX3w143Qc

Why would a soul incarnate into an abusive family? That question came out of a group Akashic Record session that we did in Dublin, Ireland in 2013, where Aingeal Rose answered questions about conception, birth, and especially why a young baby would be born into an abusive family. The recording is old, so if you can't grasp all the words, turn on Closed Captions and you will find it is transcribe for you there.

When my brother called to announce his retirement at age 66, it caused me to reflect on our own incessant struggle for survival and happiness. Some very interesting insights were to found in this video titled “Give Up The Struggle”.

At one point during June, the Titan sunk with all people on board, and that awoke a past life memory of being onboard the Titanic for Aingeal Rose. We recorded her response to it in an interesting insight to what was going on with people who have past lives on the Titanic.

A July update followed quickly, where Aingeal Rose pulled out 3 cards for July to help understand what's going on in the world right then.

After that we had What Is Power, and that was about the experience of the Titan tragedy and being onboard the Titanic, but more so about the use and abuse of power that arose from that experience. This is a discussion about what power isn’t, leading to the convincing conclusion of what power is.

Monty's Dream was published on July 15th, where we found that the world is filled with those who love to crush our dreams, and Monty's dream is one that survived it. There are teachers and educators and authority figures for millennia who've taught us to be small, to comply with rules and regulations and to obey orders, to be good citizens, all at the expense of losing our reason for being here, for forgetting our purpose and crushing our dreams. This video shows how to reverse that.

Penny Kelly came back to us for the DNA Stairway To Heaven, where she asked about the DNA, and is DNA the stairway to heaven? Are you ready to explore the mysteries of the cosmos and tap into your true potential? Listen to this interview with Penny Kelly on extraterrestrial communication, DNA activation, ET technology, self-development, consciousness, human potential, electromagnetic fields, emotions and intention, inner work, and the importance to DNA of sleep and rest. In this episode of the World of Empowerment video podcast, we delve deep into the captivating world of DNA and its profound connection to human evolution and cosmic development. Are you ready to explore it? If so, watch or listen to this episode with Penny Kelly - DNA, The Stairway To Heaven.

In this 8-min episode of the World of Empowerment podcast, Ahonu dives into the fascinating realm of emotions and how they help us on our evolutionary journey. Through the story of The Monk & The Butterfly, he explores the profound impact that feelings have on our lives and how they can empower us to embrace our higher senses and expand our humanity.

Aingeal Rose reads 3 Tarot cards for August 2023 to help alleviate fear and understand what's going on energetically in the world right now. This video is about embracing change, evaluating finances, nurturing relationships, and uncovering hidden realities in August!

After that, the 1st video in August was Our Egocentric Self. It was about how our narrow focus holds us back. This experience arose because I had a feeling at that time that the ego is too strong in many many people, and I had a moment on the mountain where I explored our egocentric self. Join me as I explore the notion that we perceive everything in the world as being about us - from sales and arguments to our personal lives. I challenge the idea of constantly asking, "what's in it for me?" and instead propose something much grander and enduring, asking is it possible there is a bigger picture beyond our own egocentric thinking?

On August 13th we shared the discussion about Dreams Are Only Dreams Till They Come True, My Friend. That title is a little throwback to that great song. It arose because many years ago, Penny Kelly shared her extraordinary experience of being conscious of many levels in her dreams, leaving us stunned and questioning what we know about dreams. We confront the skepticism of mainstream psychologists and the reluctance to believe in the significance of dreams. We discuss the notion that dreams are not simply fabrications of our imagination, but rather hold profound truths and insights. Our conversation takes us on a journey where dreams are more than mere figments of our subconscious, but potentially gateways to awakening and a deeper understanding of reality.

Searching For Silence: Deepak Chopra's Magic and the Quest for Peace is a 4-min inner reflection where Ahonu shares his experience with tinnitus caused by a plane accident and how Deepak Chopra's technique helped him find relief. He recalls his brother's experience of hearing the Earth's rotation while walking in the Galtee mountains in Tipperary, leaving you with the question of where to find true silence.

Amidst the strong Catholic influence, Ahonu explored the belief in fairies, a phenomenon widely accepted and appreciated in Ireland. He shares his personal experiences in encounters with these magical beings but quickly transitions to discussing other spiritual entities, such as demons, that people have reported feeling or encountering. He addresses the need for protection from these negative forces and offers a prayer that has proved effective for many individuals. This simple and beautiful affirmation removes curses and vows, providing comfort and security. He encourages listeners to embrace this affirmation during times of vulnerability, and especially in this great time of change. Ahonu concludes the episode with heartfelt blessings and a reminder that we are all loved, honored, and protected by Divine Grace.

The September forecast came out on September 2nd, and that was all about decisions, diplomacy, and a leader's prediction. Through the cards, we can uncover the energy and potential that lies ahead. Join us as we explore three significant cards that held a message for this month. Watch and listen to see if any of that actually happened.

Then we had the power of non-judgment, embracing compassion. Many years ago, when Ahonu was a child, he became an altar boy. He remembers being so indoctrinated into Christianity and the Catholic belief system that he was in total fear of Judgment Day. Judgment Day, to him, was the worst possible outcome for anybody. Now he believes every day is Judgment Day. Being so deeply indoctrinated into Christianity almost spoiled all potential future exploration into life, death and the future of mankind, but he got out of it, thank God.

Then we had, in the middle of September, the awakening, how humanity is breaking free from the collective consciousness. This episode explores the idea that anything measurable is a lie and argues that love cannot be measured. Ahonu discusses the concept of the "false matrix" and questions the validity of near-death-experiences and the influence of authority figures. He examines the limitations of human understanding when it comes to love and the purpose of reproduction. Listeners are challenged to reconsider their beliefs about reality, the afterlife, and the nature of love. Again, lots of deep questions, deep answers in that episode.

Love: breaking free from the chains of judgment and guilt. The big question in that episode was, What Is Love? Many people asked that question, so a number of years ago we did a group Akashic Record session in Ireland where that was the predominant question. Watch or listen to Aingeal Rose's answer down-stepped from God/Source directly through the Akashic Records. Let's find out.

Going to September 29th, Ahonu was on a quest to uncover the source of all creation. He delved deeply into a profound meditation journey where he explored the concept of lucid dreaming, and the layers and layers and layers of dreams, where it was declared that he had lost the plot. It's an exploration of spirituality and personal growth that will surely leave you pondering the vast potential within ourselves. Remember, the plot may be lost, but the adventure of self-discovery awaits!

After that, into October, Beyond The Veil. Ahonu explores a fascinating phenomenon that many of us can relate to. Join us as we dive into the concept of fleeting moments of reality and what they could mean for our perception of the world around us. For a fleeting moment, Ahonu’s reality was flashing in and out, where he could see his grandchildren on the floor, and the next moment, they weren't there. Have a watch or listen to that episode to find out what that's about, because it had a profound effect on his life.

In the middle of October we had How To Be, Do, And Die To False Beliefs. Only 3 minutes, but it was 3 minutes of profound and enlightening awareness. In it, Ahonu dives deep into the concept of living a balanced life in a world of action. He shares his personal journey of discovering the importance of finding a middle ground between spirituality and the physical world. He reminds us that while it may seem necessary to constantly be doing, there is also tremendous value in simply being. This episode encourages us to embrace the idea of "do or die" but with a newfound understanding, urging us to let go of false beliefs and embrace growth and transformation.

On October 19th, Ahonu paid a trip back to Tombstone City where he picked up soul pieces in a journey across the US. Ahonu and Aingeal Rose discuss the concept of things coming full circle. They shared stories and experiences that have led them to believe in the power of reconciling past lives and picking up soul pieces. Included is a reading of a chapter called Tombstone from the Healing From Grief series: https://amzn.to/3gAheW1

Forgiving God was the last one in October. In this episode, Aingeal Rose and Ahonu dive into a thought-provoking and insightful conversation about forgiving God. As Ahonu shares his journey of self-forgiveness and forgiveness of others, he finds himself confronted with the need to forgive God. Aingeal Rose raises questions about the nature of God and the creation of the physical body, leading to a discussion on the role of forgiveness in our spiritual and physical existence. Join us as we explore the concept of forgiveness and its importance in our lives.

In her Tarot update, Aingeal Rose delved into a compelling tarot forecast for the month of November 2023. She sets the stage with a picturesque description of her drive to gather spring water, a perfect setting for her monthly predictions. The cards drawn - the 8 of Cups, the 2 of Pentacles, and the Knight of Swords - represent different facets of our lives and provide valuable insights for the month ahead. With a focus on introspection and self-reflection, she encourages listeners to retreat within and assess their current situation.

Into November, we had the 1st episode called Expect Nothing, embracing the infinite possibilities of each day and in each moment. It was a heartfelt realization about the power of living in the present moment. Ahonu said to expect everything: While it may seem contradictory, he reminds us to expect everything while expecting nothing. By adopting this mindset, we open ourselves to the infinite potential that exists within every situation. Life becomes a grand journey, filled with unexpected blessings and opportunities.

On 11/11, Aingeal Rose's birthday, is a very powerful day in our lives. Aingeal Rose was born on 11/11 and Ahonu on 2/11 in house #22, but there is much more to it than that. We had an experience of our multidimensional souls in an interview with the great Teon Lucas in Sedona. It was an hours deep dive into our multi dimensional selves. Teon revealed a unique manifestation techniques beyond the traditional Law of Attraction! In this episode, Aingeal Rose & Ahonu delve into the intriguing world of multidimensionals and manifesting techniques with special guest Teon Lucas. Join us as we share our experiences practicing Teon Lucas's unique approach to accessing different levels of ourselves - the causal, the higher astral, and the physical. Discover how his techniques offer a fresh perspective on manifesting and understanding the world beyond the hologram and the matrix.

Creating from the heart, embracing love and abundance that was all about manifesting your heart's desire. Are you ready to manifest your heart's desires? In a world that's shifting rapidly, it's time to embrace the power of your heart. This episode of the World of Empowerment Video Podcast with Aingeal Rose and Ahonu gives you the tools to get closer to yourself and discover what you truly want in life. Say goodbye to the struggle and step into a new cycle of heart-centered manifestation. Journaling is the key to unlocking your purpose, and it's easier than you think. Turn off the negativity and start creating from the heart. Join us on this empowering journey

Many people ask us about If they're doing the right thing, if they're in the right place. And on November 25th, we declared You're Already Doing It because we are all navigating the dimensional split. It’s a complex subject that is essential to understand. Drawing inspiration from his experiences in Prescott, Arizona, Ahonu shares how he received messages from the mountain, offering snippets of wisdom. However, he also highlights the potential dangers of the ego in this process. Ahonu then takes us back to a significant workshop held in Dublin, Ireland, titled "Who Am I, and Why Am I Here." This workshop led the attendees on a profound journey of self-discovery. It ultimately laid the foundation for a workshop called "Navigating the Dimensional Split," where Aingeal Rose & Ahonu became aware of a unique phenomenon taking place: a split, not a shift.

On the 2nd December, Ahonu had a very interesting experience at Bell Rock, (one of the vortexes in Sedona) where he explored the mystical energies that were coming from that rock. He believes it to be activated. Many other sacred sites around the world are being activated right now too. This is where he shares his experience of it.

In December 2023, in a 2-min video, Ahonu went into an In Memoriam phase where he reflected on the lives of all 2023's famous deceased. Touching on the transition from life to death, he shares his thoughts on mortality and the inevitability of returning to dust. He challenges the tradition of commemorating the departed and encourages a shift towards celebrating the potential and promise of new life. Many times, various television stations and radio stations and podcasts do that kind of reflecting, and it is astonishing the numbers of people, especially famous people who we can relate to and remember who have died.

Aingeal Rose provides a 3-min Tarot update for December. In contrast to all the doom and gloom forecasts, she reveal a month of financial assistance, unexpected gifts of money, and a new timeline of flow, abundance, and happiness. The reading also indicates an energy of moving into greater harmony with our instincts and a sense of wholeness. Watch as Aingeal Rose shares her insights and offers guidance for embracing the new energy.

Aingeal Rose asked Ahonu to give his insights into what was going on from the tarot. It's not something that he’s done very much, but he found some interesting spins on everything that was going on. Enjoy.

Finally, Aingeal Rose and Ahonu shared a special Christmas message from Source that emphasizes peace, communication, and cooperation. They discussed the energy of the universe being one of love and peace, and the importance of living in the present moment. They expressed gratitude to their listeners and encouraged everyone to relax, enjoy time with loved ones, and trust in their own abilities. It's a heartwarming episode filled with blessings and well wishes for the holiday season and the upcoming New Year. So, relax, and soak up the positive vibes of this special Christmas message!

So that brings us up to date with everything we did in the last year. It doesn't, of course, count all the help we have given to people to publish their books. We also did a lot of Akashic record readings (they're all private, of course) and we did many group Akashic Record readings. You can find all of those on the World Of Empowerment website. We encourage you to become a member because there you will be able to go back and see all the group Akashic Records we've done through the year.
Aingeal Rose also completed twelve of her own Reflections In Consciousness for World of Empowerment members, that's also available. The library is growing in the World Of Empowerment also, so we would encourage you to go there. Remember, a lot of the meditations are free also.
https://worldofempowerment.com. Go there now and sign up.
There's a free option, but to get access to some of the courses and workshops that we do, you will be asked to pay a subscription, and many people do so because the benefits are enormous, and we would encourage you to do the same.
As we look ahead to 2024, we are excited to announce that we will be interviewing Penny Kelly once again on January 11, 2024. Stay tuned for a captivating conversation that is sure to leave you enlightened and inspired as we delve into new realms of consciousness and evolution.
Don't miss out on the upcoming episodes and insightful content we have in store for you. Make sure to subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher Radio, or visit our website at https://worldofempowerment.com to stay updated on our latest releases.
And for those interested in delving deeper into our world of empowerment, we encourage you to become a member of our community. Gain access to exclusive content, group Akashic Record readings, and a growing library of meditations and workshops designed to elevate your spiritual journey.
Join us as we embrace the new year with open hearts and minds, and let's continue to empower each other on this remarkable path of growth and self-discovery.
Wishing you a joyous and empowering new year,
Aingeal Rose & Ahonu