Manifesting: Creating Your Best Life in a free 6-Week Course

Creation Awareness Consciousness 3 min read , August 25, 2024

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we often find ourselves yearning for something more—more peace, more joy, more fulfillment. The journey to manifesting your best life is not about acquiring external possessions but rather about aligning your inner world with your deepest desires. We are thrilled to announce our new 6-week course, "Manifesting," inspired by Aingeal Rose's transformative book, The Book of Manifesting. This course is designed to help you delve deep into your subconscious beliefs and unlock the keys to creating a life filled with purpose and joy.

Manifesting: Creating Your Best Life in a free 6-Week Course

What You'll Learn in this Manifesting course

The path to manifesting begins with understanding the profound connection between thought and reality. Our latest podcast episode offers a comprehensive introduction to this course. Here’s a glimpse of what you can expect:

The Power of Thought

Thoughts are the seeds from which our realities grow. In this module, you'll learn how every thought shapes your experience and how to cultivate thoughts that align with the life you wish to create.

Identifying Core Beliefs

Our core beliefs act as invisible scripts that dictate our actions and reactions. By identifying these underlying beliefs, especially those that limit us and our manifesting what we want, we can transform them into empowering narratives that support our growth.

Manifestating Techniques

Practicality meets spirituality in this segment of the Manifesting course. You will discover actionable steps and techniques to bring your desires from the realm of imagination into tangible reality.

Symbolism and Timing

Life communicates through symbols and signs if only we take the time to notice them. This module will teach you how to recognize these signs and understand divine timing—knowing when it's right to act or wait.

Gratitude and Forgiveness in Manifesting

Gratitude opens doors while forgiveness frees us from past burdens. These powerful tools amplify your manifesting ability by clearing emotional blockages and raising your vibrational frequency.

New Life Scripts

Imagine writing a screenplay where you are both the author and protagonist. In this final module, you'll craft positive affirmations and new life scripts that reinforce a fulfilling narrative for yourself in your manifesting efforts.

Why Join This Manifesting Course?

Live and Interactive

Experience real-time engagement through our World of Empowerment website, podcast, or YouTube channel. Participate in live sessions where you can ask questions and share insights with like-minded individuals on similar journeys.

Free Access

We believe in making spiritual growth accessible for everyone; hence this Manifesting course is completely free! Ensure you're subscribed so you never miss an update or session.

Practical Manifesting Exercises

Engage in hands-on activities designed specifically to reveal deep-seated beliefs and transform them into empowering ones. Each exercise is crafted for introspection and practical application.

Community Support with Manifesting

Join a thriving community where shared experiences enrich everyone's journey toward self-discovery and empowerment. Your participation contributes significantly to collective growth.

How to Get Started

  1. Watch This Episode on YouTube: Begin with our introductory video that provides an overview of the course structure.
  2. Grab Your Materials: Have a notebook ready for notes, reflections, and exercises.
  3. Subscribe: Register at World of Empowerment for updates on live sessions.
  4. Engage: Participate actively by leaving comments, asking questions, sharing experiences within our community forums or during live sessions.

For those who wish to deepen their understanding further, The Book of Manifesting is available on Amazon, Books A Million, Barnes & Noble among others—it serves as an excellent companion though it’s not mandatory for the course itself.


Your journey towards creating a more fulfilling life starts now! As we explore together over these six weeks—the transformative power of manifesting—you'll uncover miracles waiting just beneath surface awareness ready-to-be-realized through conscious intent backed by universal wisdom down-stepped into practical steps tailored uniquely for YOU!


Remember—your participation enriches not only your own experience but also empowers others within this sacred circle embarking upon similar paths toward enlightenment & self-discovery!

Manifesting blessings,
Ahonu & Aingeal Rose

Life Writing abundance change