Hello Clients and Friends, big news is coming, but first, it's Father's Day and here's how an Akashic Records reading can make a superb gift for the dad's in your life. It can help you, him (or them) understand your Past Lives, your Relationships, your Life Purpose, Death & Dying, and your Kundalini. You'll see below a coupon code for a special Father's Day discount off his Akashic Records reading!
Below is how the father's in your life can benefit from an Akashic Records reading. Enjoy!
Father’s Past Lives
- Did you know that most of the people you meet in your life have been in your past lives?
- Do you know why you're meeting them again?
- Do you have a soul contract with some people and if so, what is it?
Gain understanding through the Akashic Records. Here's a special discount: simply enter AR20 at the checkout on aingealrose.com
Father’s Relationships
- Who are our parents to us, really?
- Are you in a love relationship?
- Is that person a Soul Mate, a Twin Flame, or a relationship based on past life karma?
- Is it harmonious or filled with conflicts?
- Why am I not attracting a partner?
- Am I meant to be alone in this life?
- Why aren't my relationships lasting?
Gain understanding of all relationships through the Akashic Records. A 20% discount is applied when you enter AR20Â at checkout on aingealrose.com
Father’s Life Purpose
Most people feel they have a purpose in their life, but many don't know what it is.
- Why am I here?
- What am I meant to do?
- What is my best career?
- Am I on the right path?
The answers are in your Akashic Records, the history of your soul. Have a reading with Aingeal Rose. Go to: https://aingealrose.com and enter AR20 at checkout for a 20% discount.
Death & Dying
- Do you need to connect with father’s who have passed on?
- Would you like to check on your pet who has passed?
- What is the afterlife like for animals?
Gain understanding through the Akashic Records. Enter this special discount code AR20Â at checkout on aingealrose.com.
The body is a storehouse for God within. This force is your Kundalini, and we are to bring this God within us to life. It’s in our father’s too!
- How are you doing in this process?
- What does it mean to become God Realized?
Father’s, check your Akashic Records and see your spiritual evolution. Meet the God that is Pure Love. Go to: https://aingealrose.com and book a reading with Aingeal Rose. Enter AR20 at checkout for your special discount.
Big news is coming, but first, enjoy Father’s Day! We'll be in touch again shortly. Blessings & bye for now,

Akashic Records Readers
- OÂ 224-588-8026Â MÂ 828-329-0833Â EÂ aingealrose@aingealrose.comÂ
- WÂ https://aingealrose.com
- Skype ah-hon-u