Aingeal Rose reads what the Tarot has to say about the month of July.
Aingeal Rose reads 3 Tarot cards for July 2023 to help understand what's going on in the world right now. #future #justice #kingofpentacles #money #peace #prediction #tarot #whatsgoingon
Hi, this is Aingeal Rose, and I'm pulling our Tarot cards for July 2023 for the World.
What will be the situation in the world for July 2023?
Ace of Cups, King of Cups, Eight of Pentacles. Well, the Ace of Cups is an offering of love. It's like the hand of God offering love to people in fulfillment. This Tarot card has also got the Dove of Peace on top.
I think there will be an offering for peace this month in some fashion somewhere. I would say that this is a more spiritual card, so the feeling I got was perhaps some things in the world are going to turn more to a spiritual intention.
Some countries. And we know last month, I think India already did that, didn't they Ahonu, by making some agreement? It was very highly spiritual and very unifying and cooperative.
This looks like there might be more of that happening this month in some countries. I don't know which one, but that's what that looks like. Some offering of peace and love.
In the Tarot, the King of Cups is a very loving gentleman, very compassionate, makes decisions more on emotions than he does his head. So, it looks like it has something to do with a world leader. That's a good guy. And also, it looks like some money things will be worked out this month in countries.
The 8 of Pentacles is a card of skill and expertise and planning. Working on financial stuff is going to happen this month, too. Trying to work things out financially, and that's probably worldwide.
But definitely, this is a picture of somebody who's very skilled, executive type, who's planning and paying attention to detail. I think we're going to see some plans being drawn up or laid out that have to do with financial improvement.
So that's the Tarot update for July. Talk to you again in August.