If you are concerned about pregnancy/parenting/birth trauma, two important workshops and two books are here...

This promises to be a deep and informative One Day Virtual Live Conference with great speakers including our dearly beloved pioneer Dr. Michel Odent. You can hear one of the speakers, neonatologist Marilyn R Sanders, talking about how she uses Polyvagal Theory in her work with birth trauma babies here: https://vimeo.com/542058142
Second: Jeanice Barcelo, and expert in birth trauma, is offering a parenting program called...
Birth of a New Earth Parenting Program
Jeanice Barcelo is a Birth Traum specialist. She is offering an Early Bird Discount -Â Get 20% Off the price of the Parenting Program when you register before May 31, 2021.Â

Please click this link (More Info) to receive the 20% discounted price.
Third: We published two books recently by Shirley Ward.
The first was called, Healing Birth, Healing Earth: A Journey Through Pre- And Perinatal Psychology. This book is important in the understanding of birth trauma.

The second book is Birth Earth Our Future. The tagline reads: Our conception and birth define who we are, how we relate to each other, the Earth and our future. Shirley's books are part of her Healing Birth to Save the Earth Series and are vital for understanding birth trauma.

You can find them on Amazon here:
- Birth, Earth, Our Future - https://amzn.to/35hwrBv
- Healing Birth, Healing Earth - https://amzn.to/2X7kYyt
Please share this information with your friends, colleagues and on social media.
Finally, if you believe you may have signs of unresolved birth trauma, Aingeal Rose have a special discount off Akashic Records readings for you.
Enter AR20 - apply this coupon code at the checkout on aingealrose.com to get 20% off all readings! Book A Reading