If you're a reader or a writer, here’s good news!
1. The Best of a Book In 12 Minutes
There's a new service called Read it For Me where you can read (or listen to) the summaries of 1,000s of books in 12 minutes each - and it's free for a year! Alternatively, you can get a Lifetime Membership for only $99 PLUS 10 One-Year Gift Memberships, Free! Tens of thousands of leaders around the world use Readitfor.me to learn the biggest ideas from the world’s best leadership, sales, marketing and personal development books, in less than 12 minutes. Get it free for a year here!
2. ProWritingAid
ProWritingAid is a grammar checker, style editor and writing mentor in one package. It is the only platform that offers world-class grammar and style checking combined with in-depth reports to strengthen your writing. If you are a reader or a writer, they have a 'STAY HOME AND FINISH YOUR BOOK' special offer right now. Click here to get it..
3. StayHomeWriMo
Writers around the globe are gathering—virtually—to raise their spirits and keep creating through an initiative called StayHomeWriMo. Sponsored by National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), the organizers of the annual November write-a-thon in which authors pen a novel draft in a month, StayHomeWriMo invites writers to find comfort in their creativity and stay inside while the battle with COVID-19 continues. So, if you are a reader or a writer, they've created StayHomeWriMo for you. Find out all about it here and join in! Never stop writing.
Blessings & bye for now,

Aingeal Rose & Ahonu have published over 1,000 books, several of which deal with how to remain positive and grow in awareness. The 100-book series "Answers From The Akashic Records" is available for only $7.99 each from Amazon.com. The Kindle books are only $2.99. Along with publishing books on consciousness, Aingeal Rose & Ahonu teach how to read the Akashic Records here. You can find more from Ahonu & Aingeal Rose from our Facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/aingealroseandahonu/. Visit our website: https://aingealroseandahonu.com. SUBSCRIBE on YouTube for more consciousness-expanding podcasts and videos! You can also submit a ticket on our new support desk here: https://support.twinflameproductions.us.