As you may know, we have a crowdfunding campaign running to fund the production of all 100 books in the Answers From The Akashic Records series.

The 1st three books of Answers From The Akashic Records series by Aingeal Rose & Ahonu

We have now purchased all the ISBNs we need for the successful publication of all 100-books of Answers From The Akashic Records (AFTAR) including the ISBNs needed for the eBook versions. That's 200 ISBNs and at full retail ($125 each) that is a total of $25,000. But thankfully we bought them in bulk so we got them much less. But it gives you an idea of the enormity of the publishing project we have undertaken.

It's a big enough job to produce 1 book, let alone 100! Which is why we need your help.

As we have only 16 days left, we'd love your help in achieving our goal to fund this project. We've had amazing reviews on Amazon from some of the 11 books we have published in the series so far:

Amazon Reviews for first 11 books in the Answers From The Akashic Records series by Aingeal Rose & Ahonu

Your support and patronage is much appreciated in helping us crowdfund this campaign:

Finally, can you do us a favor? Notify your friends - simply forward this page. Thanks.