Watch the video (s) Aingeal Rose & Ahonu created for you in February 2023.

Watch The Video ~ Imbolc, Spring, St. Brigid, and an Irish Blessing

In Ireland, the 1st of February is a special day. Known as Imbolc, it falls exactly half-way between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. February 1st traditionally celebrates the beginning of Spring and marks the feast day of Brigid. Read the full story ~ Listen to the Podcast ~ Watch the video

Watch The Video ~ The Book Of Manifesting by Aingeal Rose

Have you ever wondered why you can't create the things you'd like in your life? What's it that's blocking you? Well, get The Book Of Manifesting, the latest book by Aingeal Rose, to set you free and live the life of your dreams! Read the full story ~ Listen to the Podcast ~ Watch the video

Watch The Video ~ New Earth, or Transformed Earth?

Aingeal Rose & Ahonu ask the Akashic Records will we see a New Earth, or a transformed Earth? Read the full story ~ Listen to the Podcast ~ Watch the video

The Angel of the Forest, a 10-min heart story by Ahonu

Ahonu presents his short story entitled The Angel of the Forest. We would love to have your feedback on this story. Read the full story ~ Listen to the Podcast ~ Watch the video

Growing Old?

Ahonu has a realization on his 65th birthday that he's growing old - or is he? Where along this long road of human existence did he forget to marvel at this incredible creation called the human body? Read the full story ~ Listen to the Podcast ~ Watch the video

Aingeal Rose Tarot Insight for February 2023

In response to popular demand, we've been asked to look into the Tarot and see if we can determine what the future holds for the month of February 2023. We pulled the Ace of Cups. This is a loving card. It's basically the hand of God extending a chalice of love and abundance. You can tell from the cup with the way the water is flowing out, it's full of nourishment and overflowing goodness. This is the mindset we need to have for this month, and going forward. Read the full story ~ Listen to the Podcast ~ Watch the video


Aingeal Rose ran her monthly Reflections In Consciousness session in February. Her March event is coming up on Saturday 4th March. If you'd like to take part in this, or future Reflections In Consciousness sessions, click here.

We published 2 new books:

1. Aingeal Rose, launched The Book Of Manifesting. More on Amazon.

2. We published OMG You're So 3D for Shiloh Russo Stone, the 2nd in her Space Muffin Series. Watch the video. More about this book on our blog.

Blessings and bye for now,

Twin Flame Productions LLC ( was founded by Aingeal Rose & Ahonu as a unique, boutique, white-glove publishing service so you ►write ►sell ►publish and ►distribute your books to 40,000 book retailers and libraries around the world!