The Record She Left Behind: I Dream Therefore I Am by Patrice Sharpe-Sutton

Our Crowdfunding campaign to publish 100 books of Answers From The Akashic Records has only 6 days to run and we are waaaaay short of our target. However, we are grateful to those that contributed because it made us all the more determined to get them published so you can get your perks. We are delighted to announce that Volume 12 is less than a week away from publishing!

But we are also just 4 weeks away from publishing the first novel from our stable. It is called, The Record She Left Behind: I Dream Therefore I Am by Patrice Sharpe-Sutton.

The Record She Left Behind: I Dream Therefore I Am by Patrice Sharpe-Sutton

It is the story of Zerera who travels to Earth from the Andromeda galaxy where she was raised with the unique Exotica trees. She brings Exotica seed as gifts for Earthlings! We will send you more info on both of these book next week.

Love & blessings, Aingeal Rose & Ahonu

Your support and patronage is much appreciated for the last 6 days of our crowdfunding campaign: