We moved to Sedona, Arizona this week in time for Halloween. We still have no internet so this is being put together in a hurry in a public place!

Here's what we delivered for you last month, and at the bottom, what we’ve planned for Halloween.

🎥 Believing In Death

Especially pertinent for this time of Halloween, Aingeal Rose & Ahonu ask vital questions of the Akashic Records about memories and death.

Read the full story ~ Listen to the Podcast ~ Watch the video

🎥 The Soviet Union Sucked!

Aingeal Rose & Ahonu got an email with the subject line The Soviet Union Sucked. They had to make a video about it! It’s appropriate for Halloween too!

Read the full story ~ Listen to the Podcast ~ Watch the video

🎥 Frequency of Abundance

Aingeal Rose & Ahonu wanted to know about the frequency of abundance, especially at Halloween. We asked about the frequency of prosperity and of success, wondering are they all the same thing, or does each one have its own frequency signature?

Read the full story ~ Listen to the Podcast ~ Watch the video

🎥 Dealing With Demonic Forces

Aingeal Rose & Ahonu answer questions from the Akashic Records about how to deal with the tricks and deceptions of demonic forces! Watch out for them, especially when the veils are thin around Halloween!

Read the full story ~ Listen to the Podcast ~ Watch the video

What’s coming up in October?

We are away for 2 weeks in California on babysitting duty but when we get back to Sedona, we are organizing a small Creative Writers Group. This group will be similar to what we did in Bend, Oregon but this time it will have a healing benefit to it. More info to follow on that. Meanwhile, watch Ahonu’s 2-min video about it here.

Ahonu will also run an online Book Writing Workshop starting October. Details to be finalized but if you are interested, simply reply to this email to get on the early bird list.

Several years ago we created a Halloween Coloring Book called Witches, Crows, Owls & Cats. It is a fun book for this time of year. You can get a copy on Amazon.

Speaking of books, Ahonu is almost finished the 2nd book in the Healing From Grief series. It is called The Reincarnation of Columbus and will be available on Amazon soon.

Enjoy the Autumn month of October and the Halloween festivities. Blessings,

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