Happy Christmas from Aingeal Rose & Ahonu!

For the last few years, many people have found life to be progressively more confusing and chaotic. Ahonu & I are grateful we have been able to help many people by reading their Akashic Records to reveal their divine purpose. If you are unsure, uncertain, confused, or just plain puzzled about what is going on in the bigger picture, we have a 25% Christmas discount on Akashic Records Readings, Soul Portraits, Family Crests and Voice Code Analysis until midnight on the 31st Dec. Your purchase continues to help us help others. Enter AR25 on the LAST PAGE of the checkout to get this Christmas price!

Purchase now - schedule anytime!

Remember, you do not have to use your consultation immediately. You can schedule your sessions after Christmas or throughout the coming year once you have paid for them during this month. So, if you're not ready for your reading or your Soul Portrait just yet, you can wait to schedule your appointment for a later time. We will have a record of your payment - you just tell us when you're ready!

We’re still here for you over the Christmas break. While we won't do readings on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, St. Stephen's Day or New Year’s day, our doors don't close when it comes to helping those in need. So, if you know of anyone who is unsure, uncertain, confused, or just plain puzzled about what is going on in the bigger picture, please offer them our discounts on Akashic Records Readings, Soul Portraits & Ancestral Healing Family Crests or Voice Code Analysis - the special offer continues throughout the holidays until midnight on the 31st of December.

Finally, we are happy to serve you! Thank you for being with us in 2022. We look forward to supporting all spiritual wellbeing in 2023. Wishing you and yours a great Christmas!

Remember, your discount code (AR25) goes into the last page of the checkout.