This is some journaling Aingeal Rose did on Aug 9th, 2021 about the body as a body of bondage.

Is the body a body of bondage? Journaling by Aingeal Rose

I was going through a bunch of conflicting feelings and thoughts, so I decided to write about it. I feel death everywhere. I feel sad that so many people are leaving the planet. While it feels like the great cleansing of humanity, the release from the bondage of the body - I must ask, is the human body a body of bondage?

Yes, currently it feels like it is. It is the container of all thoughts and feelings, and especially holds all the sadness of the ancients and the ancient past.

I am feeling the same stream of death and rebellion now. It is a continuity of the body bondage of the planet's atomic origins back into pure spirit. So, many are leaving, going home, others are stuck and some are choosing to stay, holding space for others.

My memory of the ancient past tells me we are continuing creators of this vast illusion called Earth, the place where we descend and ignore our true selves, to engage with matter. But for what purpose? To be selfish, estranged, lonely, without our true loves. We are a body of bondage, a form composed of histories, the downward spiral, the descent away from God, this is the fall.

We descended away from the mistakes of the past, from the wars in heaven, from the others who were unlike us. They came from other universes within their own Godhead, wanting to expand themselves into our realms, with lust for more, for war, the war that still continues in its own forms to this day on planet Earth.

I feel the heaviness of the body of bondage; the repetition of the sadness, the misunderstanding, the suffering of the bodies, the loss of minds and souls in a perceived reality. They're not remembering we are continuous of the dead past, still living within us today. And naught has been released or forgiven. We are all still in the pain and sorrow of the ancient past. We mourn our long-forgotten home.

We try our best to make homes here, shelters, abodes for our body of bondage. We accumulate land and things to make us feel we are a part of things here. Yet, it all fades from us at some point. The body of bondage gets sick from unforgiveness. It doesn't even know it has not forgiven it. Everything must return to its full atomic state so you can be one with pure spirit, one essence, the singular, the one. The unhealed mind, body or spirit cannot know how to forgive itself of anything. It can't see that it is damaged, unreal, a carrier of memories, a compilation of events, of ancestors and histories. All those events and memories and histories unable to be released are a living dead, happening.

The beauty of life is even its tragedy.

What would it mean to be clear, to be free, to bless the little things that have existed, even if only in memory. A blanket, a stuffed animal, an inanimate object, things that don't matter. To be in gratitude and appreciation for the sign of it, the feel, the smell or taste of it, the texture and color, the joy or sorrow it brings. Is this the meaning behind giving? Or is it the invention of minds perpetuating the illusion? Is the past simply a karmic "like attracts like" manifestation of the present?

Is it all just a consequence, that when enough histories coagulate, a body of bondage appears? Well, yes, of course!

Only forgiveness can collapse histories. Our collective consciousness of separation, our combined histories of war and destruction, our stories of pain and suffering must be forgiven, released, let go of.

Forgiveness can collapse histories.

We have help. We are going through the great cleanse right now. Science demands it. Our consciousness demands it. God/Source demands it. It wants freedom returned to its rightful place, pure silence, pure spirit, pure essence, where humanity dances in freedom together and no one is bound by the coagulation of histories.

Ask yourself, what history has coagulated in me? In him or her? In anyone? And who do I still hold to a past event, situation, or continuing occurrence in my life? Where do I hold to a perception that may be perpetuating the illusion of separation? Whom do I still hold responsible for my circumstances? Am I ready to forgive them? Am I ready to forgive myself? Am I ready to release myself from the perception that I am in a body of bondage?

Today I say with reverence and respect for the truth of who I am, body of bondage or not - I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you!