In a world where the pace of life often leaves little room for reflection, the work of pioneers like Shirley Ward offers a sanctuary of understanding and healing. With nearly five decades dedicated to exploring the emotional and psycho-spiritual aspects of birth trauma and fetal consciousness, Shirley's insights provide a transformative lens through which we can view our earliest beginnings. Her latest book, "Conscious Global Healing," explores this topic, urging the birthing parent and all of us, to let go of all traumatic events and to foster a spiritual essence that propels humanity towards a hopeful future.

Feeling Wanted and Welcomed

Shirley emphasizes the critical importance of feeling wanted and welcomed right from conception. This foundational sense of belonging is not merely an emotional nicety but a vital component of our psycho-spiritual development and avoidance of the severity of traumatic childbirth. When parents and society at large cultivate an environment where new life is celebrated and cherished, they lay down the roots for secure attachment, emotional resilience, and psychological well-being.

To foster this sense of belonging from the earliest stages, it is essential to create conscious rituals around conception, pregnancy, and birth. Practices such as mindful meditation for expectant mothers, community support groups for new parents, and educational programs about prenatal bonding can significantly contribute to making every child feel wanted. It will also help reduce postpartum ptsd, postpartum depression, and other traumatic birth experiences.

Birth Trauma and Fetal Consciousness

The impact of birth trauma on an individual's emotional and psychological development cannot be overstated. According to Shirley's extensive research, experiences in utero shape our life scripts profoundly. The early trimesters are not just biological milestones; they are periods where emotional imprints are made that influence our lifelong patterns.

Understanding fetal consciousness shifts how we approach prenatal care. It calls for greater sensitivity in medical practices surrounding childbirth—recognizing that interventions during birth can have lasting effects on both mother and child. Holistic approaches that include craniosacral therapy or other gentle bodywork modalities can help in mitigating birth trauma by addressing these early imprints.

Strategies for Healing Birth Trauma

Healing from early life traumas requires a multi-faceted approach that integrates physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions. Some effective strategies include:

  • Mindfulness Practices: Engaging in regular mindfulness or meditation can help individuals reconnect with their inner selves.
  • Therapeutic Interventions: Modalities like somatic experiencing or EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) can be particularly helpful.
  • Spiritual Guidance: Seeking wisdom through Akashic Records readings or spiritual counseling can offer deeper insights into one's life path.
  • Community Support: Participating in support groups or workshops focused on healing birth trauma provides communal validation and shared learning experiences.

Intergenerational Influence

Shirley’s reflections on her fear stemming from her mother's experiences during World War II highlight how parental traumas cascade into subsequent generations. This intergenerational transmission underscores the need for conscious parenting practices that acknowledge past wounds while fostering present healing.

By addressing unresolved traumas within ourselves as parents or caregivers, we create a healthier environment for our children—one where they are free to develop without inheriting unprocessed fears or anxieties.

Spiritual Connection in Turbulent Times

Both Shirley Ward and Sara Devoy stress the importance of spiritual connection as an anchor during turbulent times. Spiritual practices provide solace by connecting us to something greater than ourselves—a universal wisdom that transcends individual suffering.

Visualizations involving deceased loved ones offer comfort by reinforcing the continuity of existence beyond physical death. This belief system nurtures hope and perseverance amidst life's inevitable challenges.

Destructive Human Behaviors from Birth Trauma

"Conscious Global Healing" proposes addressing destructive human behaviors towards the planet through heightened spiritual awareness. By recognizing our interconnectedness with all living beings and Earth itself, we shift from exploitative mindsets to nurturing ones.

This holistic perspective encourages sustainable living practices rooted in love rather than fear—promoting actions that benefit both humanity and the environment alike.


Shirley Ward's pioneering work invites us to reconsider how we perceive conception, birth, and early life experiences—not as isolated events but as integral parts of our lifelong journey towards wholeness. Her teachings remind us that healing begins at the very start—from feeling wanted at conception to overcoming birth trauma—and extends through conscious living grounded in spiritual awareness.

As we navigate these fast-changing times fraught with uncertainties, embracing such profound insights empowers us to foster hope, love, perseverance—and ultimately—a more harmonious existence for ourselves and future generations.

Shirley ward can be reached at or by email at

Sara Devoy can be contacted at